«12 Kisses» is a free dating site for Ukraine. There is no charge for signing up, sending messages or exchanging contacts. This is the English version of Ukrainian free online dating service, created for people from all over the world looking for a relationship or a friend in Ukraine. Get a free account now. Good luck with your search!
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New York, USA
37 y.o.
Kherson, Ukraine
34 y.o.
Kherson, Ukraine
33 y.o.
North Carolina, USA
53 y.o.
california, USA
36 y.o.
Dnepr, Ukraine
33 y.o.
Rotterdam, Netherlands
53 y.o.
Florida, USA
57 y.o.
Warszawa, Poland
45 y.o.
izmir, Turkey
38 y.o.
Hilversum, Netherlands
69 y.o.
izmir, Turkey
44 y.o.